Weebly Apps are web applications which provide additional functionalities to your Weebly website. To install a Weebly App you just need to add it via the Weebly App Center. Once an App is added, you may enable or disable it from the Weebly Site Editor.

How to Install a Weebly App

You can install a Weebly app by via your Weebly Site Editor or directly from within the Weebly App Center. You can actually access the App Center under in Apps tab in the editor, via the Add App button in the build tab, or by going directly to Weebly’s App Center.

Weebly App Center

From there, you can search for any kind of apps or enter keywords to search through all apps.

Weebly Apps

Click on Add and you’ll be seeing this screen below

Manage Weebly Apps

Once you’ve connected the app you’ll be taken into the Weebly Site Editor where you’ll see your newly-installed app highlighted in the Build tab.

Weebly App settings

There you go. You’re all set. You can manage your Weebly Apps from within the Build tab of your Site Editor.

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