Favicon is a small image (like a logo in this case) shown in the address bar of the web browser besides the URL or just on the corner of the browser’s tab. If you still not getting what it means, they are actually the most commonly known as the small icon that displays next to a website’s name in a browser tab.

It’s a feature that comes with Paid Weebly plans. You may want to follow the steps listed below to easily add a favicon to Weebly even a free Weebly website without the need to have your account upgraded to any Paid account.

Why you should Add a Favicon to Your Weebly Website?

Actually adding a favicon establishes your website’s identity. ,It also improves your website’s usability and user experience. This image will help you understand it better:

Weebly favicon

Add Favicon in Weebly Website with a Paid Subscription

If your Weebly website is upgraded to one of the paid subscriptions, you can do this very easily. To learn how to so and add a favicon to your Weebly website, watch the short video. If you haven’t upgraded to any paid subscriptions, then read the article that follows it.

Add Favicon to a Free Weebly Website

Step 1. Convert the logo image you have to a .ico file

If you don’t know how, here’s a favicon generator that can help you with that: “freefavicon.com”. Browse the website and select your desired image to convert it into a .ico file. Download then the “favicon.ico” file.

Step 2. Upload your Favicon to Weebly

Well, once you have your .ico file ready as explained above, head out to your Weebly account so you add the favicon where you want it to be.

To do so:

  1. Login to your Weebly Site Editor
  2. Head out to the “Theme” section in the top of the Weebly Site Editor and hit “Edit HTML/CSS”
  3. Hit the “+” small icon just next to “Assets”
  4. Once done, hit the “Upload File(s)” button and upload your favicon.ico file.

Also, make sure to upload a png the same name as your .ico such as favicon.png and favicon.ico – upload them to the same folder or root.

When you upload the .PNG right click it and copy image address. Copy it then into notepad and change .png to .ico then copy it with the .ico at the end. Afterward, use that as your link in the header section like explaining below in step 3.

Step 3. Link the favicon to your Weebly website

Follow these steps to link the favicon to your Weebly website:

Follow the following path from your Weebly Site Editor:”Settings > Search engine optimization > Header code” and paste the following HTML code:

<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”Your Favicon Link”/>

Favicon in Weebly

Now of course, where it says Your Favicon Link, it should have the actual URL of your favicon file. Done? There you go — you should be all set! Save your settings and publish your Weebly website.

If you liked this tutorial on how to add a favicon on Weebly, then you may consider subscribing to our WeeblyTutorials YouTube Channel for Weebly video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.